19th Annual Fundraising Gala & Awards Ceremony
Date & Time 时间
Saturday, April 06, 2024, 5:30 - 9:00 PM
Location 地点
Ming's Seafood Restaurant 金源大酒楼 (19 Pleasant St, Malden, MA 02148)
CBD Garage (170 Centre St, Malden, MA 02148)
Jackson Street Garage (180 Exchange St, Malden, MA 02148)
Dress Code 着装
Cocktail Attire 鸡尾酒会礼服
We are proud to announce that our 19th Annual Fundraising Gala & Awards Ceremony will take place on Saturday, April 06, 2024. We extend a heartfelt invitation to you, your family, and friends to share in this special occasion. Let's come together to embrace community spirit, recognize the exceptional contributions of our honorees, and celebrate the vibrant heritage of Chinese culture.
What To Expect 晚会亮点
Culinary Delights 美味佳肴
Indulge in a feast for the senses with traditional Chinese 10-course banquet 品味正宗中式宴席
Silent & Live Auctions 拍卖会
Participate in our silent and live auctions featuring a curated selection of items and experiences, all in support of our mission to promote cross-cultural understanding and preserve our community's Chinese cultural heritage 参与拍卖会,竞拍我们精心为您挑选的产品与体验,支持我们为支持跨文化理解与保护中国文化遗产做出的努力
Cultural Experience 文化体验
Immerse yourself in the living legacy of Chinese arts and traditions through captivating activities and performances 精彩表演带您领略中华艺术与文化的生命力
Early Bird Discounts Ends on
March 15, 2024
Individual Ticket 单张门票
Member Price 会员价: $110|Non-Member Price 非会员价: $125
Purchase a Table 整桌购买: $1,000
Standard 标准价
Individual Ticket 单张门票
Member Price 会员价: $125|Non-Member Price 非会员价: $150
Purchase a Table 整桌购买: $1,200
Join Us to Make a Difference
加入我们 让更多改变发生
Join us in making a difference in the lives of our Asian community members in Malden and beyond. Despite strides forward, there is still a pressing need for essential services within the Asian community that we have yet to fulfill; there are many aspects of Chinese language and culture we are eager to share with you all, which remain untapped.
Your participation in our Gala and support will directly fuel our future initiatives aimed at addressing these gaps and upholding our commitment to serving a broader society. All proceeds will be directed towards strengthening and expanding our services for the Asian community in Malden and beyond. We look forward to your presence at the event.
For inquiries regarding the event, sponsorship opportunities, and auction donations, please contact 如对本次活动有疑问,或有兴趣成为赞助商/捐赠拍卖品,欢迎联系: gala@chinesecultureconnection.org | 781-321-6316
If you are unable to attend this event, we invite you to consider making a donation to support our efforts. 如果您无法出席晚会,我们诚挚邀您以进行爱心捐款的方式助力我们的使命。
2024 Honorees 年度荣誉获奖人
Diversity and Inclusion Award 多元与包容性奖
Gary Christenson
Since assuming office in January 2012, Malden Mayor Gary Christenson has been an advocate for building an inclusive environment in Malden. He works closely alongside residents and businesses to tackle the many challenges facing the City, encouraging citizen engagement and improving service delivery for all residents.
自2012年1月就职以来,摩顿市市长Gary Christenson一直倡导在摩顿市建立一个包容性的环境。他与居民和企业紧密合作,共同应对城市所面临的诸多挑战,鼓励市民积极参与各类活动与项目,并致力于改善服务质量与交付以造福所有居民。
Outstanding Arts and Culture Award 艺术文化杰出贡献奖
Susan Chinsen
As a Creative Producer at ArtsEmerson and the founder of the Boston Asian American Film Festival, Susan Chinsen has been pivotal in uplifting the narratives and voices of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. Leveraging the transformative power of the arts, she tirelessly fosters community engagement, facilitating cross-cultural connections and dialogue.
作为ArtsEmerson的创意制作人和波士顿亚美电影节的创办者,Susan Chinsen为提升亚太裔社区的声音和故事传播做出了重要贡献。她利用艺术的力量积极推动社区参与,促进跨文化的联系和对话。
Excellence in Community Service Award 社区服务卓越奖
Justin Tseng 曾御宸
Medford City Councilor Justin Tseng has demonstrated outstanding leadership in advocating for inclusivity within the Medford community. As the first Asian-American elected official in Medford, he advocates for equity, secures funding for public services, and prioritizes affordable housing, and drives initiatives aimed at amplifying the diverse voices within the community.
Edward F. O'Connell Inspirational Service Award
Linda Zalk
Linda Zalk, a dedicated special education educator and community activist, has made notable strides in advancing initiatives aimed at bettering the lives of others. She plays a pivotal role in programs such as Malden Reads and views championing social justice and equity as a lifelong pursuit.
作为特殊教育从业者和社区活动家,Linda Zalk为改善他人生活不懈努力,取得了显著成就。她在“摩尔登阅读”等社区项目中扮演着至关重要的角色,同时不遗余力倡导社会正义和公平。
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