McKenna, Kristen P.
Kristen P. McKenna has been in education and workforce development for 25 years working in K-12, preschool, corporate, adult education and higher education in RI, NH, MA and VA. Currently she is the Dean of Workforce and Economic Development for Bunker Hill Community College overseeing the Language Institute for English Language Learners, which serves over 1500 adult English Language Leaners in the Greater Boston area.
Previously, she was the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs at River Valley Community College in Lebanon NH. Ms. McKenna served on the MA DESE Adult Career Pathways Task Force, and is ex officio board member of the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC), Boston MA. She was recognized in 2008 as a Massachusetts Literacy Champion by the Massachusetts Literacy Foundation and as a National COABE Incentive Grant recipient in 2009 for her work in Career Pathways. Kristen has a Master's in Higher Education Administration from Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy MA and a BFA from RI College, Providence RI.